Death Unknown
There once was a small little boy who all his life want to have a pet to take care of. His parents kept saying no ,because he was too young and he wouldn’t be able to take care of it. On his twelfth birthday, his wish came true. He got a small little black and white tabby kitten. The little boy and the kitten fell in love with each other. They stayed with each other all the time. One day, three years later, when the boy was fifteen years old, the boy ended up dying from an undiagnosed illness. The kitten was heartbroken from the loss of the boy. He never set foot outside of the house again. About one year later, the kitten, instead of turning to grief, turned to anger. He was hurting people and making them suffer for what happened to him. After the boy’s parents passed away, the house was abandoned except for the little kitten lowering in his prey of little children to make them suffer. The little kitten will lower them in and won’t let them out till they die of starvation and dehydration. The kitten ended up dying in the house. His soul still makes people suffer for what happened to him and the little boy.
-Natalie Christensen