There once was a cow and a horse. The cow’s name was Spot and the horse’s name was Lighting. One day they decided to race to see who was the fastest. Spot said that they should race that Saturday. Lighting agreed with Spot. “We’ll see you at the finish line, loser,” Spot said.
On the night of the race, the moon lit the night sky. The announcer said, “READY… GET SET… GO,” and the racers were off. Spot was in the lead and then, all of a sudden, she spilled all of her chocolate milk all over the track. Spot yelled back to Lighting, saying to watch out for the milk in a mocking way. Lighting did not hear what she said and ended up slipping on the milk.
When Spot got a little farther in the race, she decided to take a little catnap while she was waiting for Lighting to catch up with her. When Lighting got up from the milk slide, he ran as fast as he could to catch up with Spot but saw that there was no use. Then, all of a sudden, right in front of Lighting, a UFO landed right on the track and took Lighting aboard. The UFO passed Spot and landed a mile away and let Lighting out. Spot woke up from all of the noise and saw that Lighting was in the lead and running for the finish line. Spot got up and ran as fast as she could. Spot and Lighting passed the finish line at the same time, and it was called a tie. Spot said that Lighting cheated. Lighting said, “Well, you cheated too!” The announcer then said that it was a tie and that they both won the race. That day they both walked away as champions.
– Natalie Christensen